But its cold outside so we've decided to
the best way to crave our love for Yard
Sale is Online, want to join us?!! Let's
start off with some apps!
Thredflip app: Free!
Is a fun easy way to shop and sell fashion!
Yardsale app: Free!
A tool to help you efficiently organize your search
for yard sale treasures!
Poshmark app: Free!
Buy and sale fashion. Shop bargains at 90% off
and cosign your closet to make money today!
OfferUp app: Free!
A simple way to buy and sell locally!
What are your neighbors selling?!
5 miles map: Free!
Your mobile market place!
The safe and fast way to buy, sell, discover
local classified ads in five miles!
This app is an app that let's you access Craigslist
from your mobile device!
Yardsale search is an app you can access
through Itunes!
You can use yard sale search to a find a garage
sale in all 50 states!
Yard Sale Search:
Has a directory of cities that are
having Yard Sales! You just click
on your city and a listing of people
and stores having a sale will pop up!
Tradesy turns your clothes into cash! Log in
and create an account. Receive a $25 gift when
you sign up!
Thredup has like new clothes from the brands you love!
Save up to 90% off all your favorite brands! You have to
sign up with your email to enjoy this site but it may be well
worth it!
Don't want to use your email? They also have an app!
Did you know?
That some people have yard sales on FB? Yes some people
have decided to to join online FB groups dedicated to online
yard sales! If you do a search on FB I'm sure you will find some
of these groups! Some require you to join!.
Want to trade paperbacks, audios, hardcovers try here:
Have video games you want to trade, or buy,or sell? try here:
Leaptrade is the leading video game trading website. Buy, sell,
and trade used games for Xbox, PS4 etc.
That's it for now! Hope you enjoy!
Have you tried these?