Tuesday, January 13, 2015

We want to help you snag January Bargains!

Every year especially after Christmas I
go to the clearance section of the stores 
and stock up on gifts for everyone in my
family! For upcoming birthdays, graduations,
anniversaries, and of course the next years 
Christmas gifts! I have two daughters and 
three granddaughters. I always make them 
gift baskets for Christmas with the items I
get through out the year. They love em!

Speaking of gift baskets! You'll now see
plenty of gift baskets on sale everywhere
from pharmacies to department stores! If
it has seasonal packaging don't worry just
take them apart and repackage them! For
example if you a beauty Christmas gift set
for 50% off you can remove the packaging 
and repackage it with say Valentine' packa-
ging! You could even put it in a heart shaped
basket if you like!


Look for Hidden Bargains!

Of course Big Box stores will be 
cutting prices after the holidays. 
But  what about stores like craft
stores and florist?!A lot  of them 
have some the best bargains on 
seasonal decor and stocking stuffers! 
Stores like Barnes&Noble, Lowe's'
and Old Navy will have everything 
marked down 75% sometimes even 


Head to the back of the store!

January is one of the biggest clearance
months of the year! (July is also a biggie)
Stores are unloading seasonal items to get
ready for spring! Every retailer has a clearance
section so look for display areas at the end of the
aisles as well as at the back of the store. for the 
steepest clearance! You will be able to stock up 
on toys,housewares, and clothing for up to 90%

Don't look over groceries!

Stock up on kids cereals, cookies, and snacks
that have holiday packaging. These items go on
sale after the holidays! I touched on this back in 
our blog post "Let's Maximize our After Christmas

I like to go after the candy clearance so that I can
practice on my Candy Bouquets!

Did you know?

That in January the best time to shop for Big
Ticket items is Saturday and Sunday because 
sales people are more willing to negotiate because
they think people are more serious because they set 
aside their weekend to shop!

Didn't get a gift card this Christmas? Or the gift card
you wanted? Go to  www.GiftCardGranny.com  or  GiftCards.com
 to find gift cards as much as 25% off!

Thanks for reading! Hope we helped snag some 
January Savings!

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