Tuesday, January 13, 2015

We want to help you find (free) apps!

We've tried to find some apps for you to
save money with and save some time as 
well! Hope these help! Some of them have 
websites and they all are FREE!:0) Enjoy!

1. Keyring:

Save all loyalty cardsto your phone using
the #1 Loyalty card management App Key
Ring! 4.2 stars!

2. Nearby-Mastercard:

Finds nearby locations where you can use


3. Goodbudget:

Budget planner + expense manager based 

on envelope budgeting! 4.3 stars

4. Extreme Coupon:

This is a must for any extreme couponer!

It has all the weekly coupon matchups. 4.1 stars!

5. Retailmenot:

The Retailmenot app makes it easy to save with thousands 

of deals at your favorite stores and restaurants! 4.4 stars!

6. Coupons:

Find valuable coupons , discount codes, and exclusive sales!

7. ShopSavvy:

Is your one stop source for all the best sales in one app!

8. Gyft app:

Use Gyft to easily upload and redeem gift cards right from

your phone! 3.9 stars!

9.  The Coupon App:

Unbelievable coupon savings at your favorite stores, restaurants, 

and gas stations!  Coupons always at your fingertips, everywhere 
you go! 4.5 stars!

10. The Coupon Sherpa App:

Gives you money saving mobile coupons anywhere you go! 

4.3 stars!

That's all for now! Hope you guys enjoy these Free apps!