Sunday, April 12, 2015

Mystery bag giveaway! My first giveaway! CLOSED!

I'm giving away a mystery bag!
 My first giveaway on this blog! 
Want to enter?! Here's the rules!
 5 entries send me ideas to my inbox
 about how you save money,
 thrifty recipes, frugal ideas,
 thrifty living etc! recipes! 
Send ideas to 
 4 entries follow me on Bloglovin!
 Blog about it! 3 entries follow me on twitter!
 Tweet about it! 2 entries like us on Facebook! 
Leave comment under this post saying you liked me!
1 entry follow me on Instagram! Like the first pic also
 leave a comment under that pic saying you followed! 
 That's it! Let's go! Hurry g-a-w ends in 2 weeks!
 Last week I posted a post in full details about this
 and future giveaways. Refer to post Future printed
 newsletter for more details about this and future 
giveaways. Again send ideas to 
 Links to BL, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram in side bar. 
 Thanks Tanya @The Cheapskate Gazette!


  1. I follow you on Bloglovin (sarah cool), twitter (@sarahbeara6), Instagram (capixie22), and fb (sarah cool).
    I tweeted:

  2. I follow you on Instagram:) lindsaymh84
